Student Visa

Student Visa Requirements

Students who desire to study in Jamaica should produce the following:

  • A valid passport
  • A visa for each entry (if required)
  • A confirmed  return ticket valid for a period of one (1) year;
  • A letter of acceptance from the school or institution to which the student (s) will be attending; and adequate funds to cover expenses for one (1) year in the first instance.
  • Name of the person (s) responsible for student (s) while at school.

Student (s) over 16 years old must be registered as aliens at

Passport, Immigration & Citizenship Agency
25C Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10.
Phone: (876) 754-7422

Direct Email: and at the Main Police Station in Rural Parishes (if applicable).

N.B. Students who have made proper arrangements with an educational institution prior to arrival, may be landed for one year on each entry. Students without proper arrangements may be landed for two months. As soon as the necessary arrangements are made and appropriate evidence is received, the Chief Immigration Officer may extend the period to one year.

Jamaican Visa Application (Form J)