Renunciation of Jamaican Citizenship

Renunciation of Jamaican Citizenship

The applicant should be of full age and capacity, who is either a national of a foreign country or has been assured of such nationality on the condition that he/she renounces Jamaican Nationality.


The form (click button below) should be read carefully, then completed and signed in the presence of a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, or someone authorized to administer oaths.

Application should be submitted to the

Consulate General of Jamaica Miami
Ingraham Building
25 S.E. 2 Ave Suite 609
Miami. FL 33131

The following documents are required:

  • A Birth Certificate
  • A  Valid Jamaican Passport
  • Evidence of other nationality; or proof of other nationality will be required upon the loss of Jamaican citizenship
  • Two (2) passport-sized photographs, certified by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or someone authorized to administer Oaths.

Cost: A fee of U$1000.00 is required on application.

Processing Time:

Processing period for Renunciation of Citizenship Applications ( provided that application fulfills all requirements AFTER being transmitted to the Passport, Immigration & Citizenship Agency (PICA) in Jamaica ) is twenty-four (24) months

Citizenship Renunciation Form